acts of random kindness acts of random kindness acts of random kindness

acts of random kindness acts of random kindness acts of random kindness

Here's how this blog works...

You have just performed a random act of kindness. Fantastic! Now choose from the posts below what you think is the most suitable category to tell us about your *Ark*. Use the comments section for your story, description or perhaps just to send us a smile. Tell us what you've done for someone, or perhaps if... "You've been Ark'd"!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

You've been Ark'd !


  1. Yes, I've been arked! Received a package in the mail--wow, I thought, I don't remember ordering anything. Proceeded to rip it open. Printer cartridges for the next 10 years!! What the?! Checked the invoice: an Ebay purchase. Uh oh. I've been hacked. My ebay account's been hacked I thought. Who is the chinese guy that sent the package. Unless.....Hmmmmmmm, yup, the "original" arker just left my place--was visiting for the weekend. It was her allright--the creator of this blog, my sister! What a punk. Tanks for the prezzie and the ARK!

  2. My eldest boy Oscar ruptured his ACL recently. After an emergency vet visit, I had to schedule a visit a few days later with my regular vet. The only appointment I could get was at 11:00 am after a 12 hour night shift and before going in for another night shift. While at work that night, I tried to cover my shift the next day, but was unable. I thought there was a good possibility that I might not get any sleep the next day as I didn't know how long I'd be at the vet. My friend and co-worker Rob was aware that I was trying to cover the shift, and wanting to do what he could, decided to give up his 2 hr break for me. I was able to get some sleep at work that night and take Oscar to the vet the next day. Thanks Pearce!


Put a little Spark in your Ark...

Share your ideas with me, and i'll add them to the list of *Ark Sparks* ideas section below.

Ark Sparks

  • Wait for a pedestrian to walk rather than rush them
  • Smile at someone!
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Leave a love note for someone you love on the kitchen table
  • Write your best friend a letter and mail it
  • Send someone you know a random email asking them how they are
  • Pick someone in your family a flower
  • Buy someone a coffee